Mon 27 Jan
Sexy Freak looking to please...💦👅💦👅 NEW TO YOUR CITY!! Ill make it worth your wild!!!💦👅🍆💯 - 22
(Little Rock, Little rock Arkansas)
Sexy Busty Big BooTy Blue EYed RedHead ! CaLL NoW 80/hr UpDated Pics taken 2/21 - 34
(Little Rock, private incall lr nlr)
♂ REAL OVERSEAS PEICE ♂ Always Discreet, I`m the freakest FREAK Available ALL WEEK - 21
(Little Rock, Hot Springs*Benton*Bryant,*LR* Conway)
REd HoTT NO ONE -:¦:- DOES IT -:¦:- LIKE ME _ 125 Incall Special - 33
(Hot Springs / Hot Springs Village, Hot springs)
★ Sexy Exotic SnowBunny ★ NO BS ★ TOP NOTCH CHICK! - 21
(Incall or outcall all over AR)
Sexy Blonde with all the talents you need to make your dreams come true! 100 100 100 - 43
(Little Rock)
R£AL★♡☆ [ I AiM †o Pl∈AS∈! ] ♡☆ GIRL NEXT DOOR 》》》★ B I G BOOBS ! ! ♡☆ ★ SiMpℓy* the *BEST!!★♡☆💯% - 23
(Little Rock, Malvern only I can host)
**PeTiTe HOTTIE WiTh a ROCKIN BoDy** (Check out my pics u wont be sorry) TAKIN CALLS ALL DAY - 23
(Little Rock)
Outcalls n Lr incalls!!..Pretty Lil thickie w/ the Best kisses 💋 in town! top specials always avl - 23
(Little Rock, little Rock incalls)
Sun 12 Jan
o☆°o * ♥´¯` ALL ´¯` YOU ´¯` NEED ´¯` AND ´¯` MORE ´¯` ♥ * o☆°o - - 25
(Little Rock, hotsprings/ little rock)
Lovely Londyn! Beautiful & Curvy! Great time for a good price! - 23
(Little Rock, Little Rock/Surrounding Areas)
LITTLE ROCK❤️ATTENTION Little Rock!!! The Candy Shop 🍭🍬IS NOW OPEN‼️Élite upscale Companion - 26
(Conway, Little Rock)
___ __ ____ =J_U_S_T= __ _ __ =W_H_A_T= __ _ __ =Y_O_U= __ _ __ =C_R_A_V_E= ___ __ ___ - 24
(Lr, Nlr, Bryant, Maumelle, Conway, Jack)
Get ready for Sexual Enhancement in 10 min!!! - 23
(Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Little Rock, Donetska)
S°• I •°M°• P°•L •° Y •° ☆ G.♥.•° R.°• G. °• E °• ♥ °• U° ° S ☆ ☆ Exactly What You're Looking For - 23
(Little Rock, Ar)
Welcome, to ,my ,fantasy,land, mixed ,vixen ,princess,/ incalls olny!!! - 28
(Little Rock, little rock off main safe location)
Sat 11 Jan
ReD iS HeRe TOo TaKe FLiGHt ....DNt WAiT iTS N3VER 2 LATE...***:(SPECiALS aVAiLiABLe) - 21
(Little Rock, WEST LIL ROCK)
Kinky Seductive College Girl with All the Right Moves ;) - 19
(Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Little Rock)
💋😍💋😎💋😘👄HiGhLy ReViEwEd💄HoT SPRiNGS 5zero1-547-9zero84 👓 3 DaYs ONLY💛SPeCiaLS AvAil NoW - 25
(HOT SPRINGS Benton incalls/outcalls, Little Rock)
Royally Blessed With Brains, Beauty, and A Nice Big Soft Ass Booty!!! Winning Combo! - 28
(Little Rock, SWLR, off University)
The Girl Next Door... has a SEXY SECRET! - 19
(Fayetteville, Fort Smith, In town, Jonesboro, Little Rock)
🎯❌🎯❌🎯❌🎯 SWeeT AsiAn 🎯❌🎯❌🎯❌🎯 NEW SUPER Attractive Tequila😘 🎯❌🎯❌🎯❌🎯 - 21
(Little Rock, Little Rock/Mc Cain)
█ ❤ █ SWEET **LUSCIOUS $100 SPECIALS!! █ ❤ █ - 24
(**Look *Great *SpecialsAvail Now!!**)
TExAS h0TTiE hERE!! ▶ 3.3.7 5.2.9 8.O.3.2 [ ♥] PETiTE fREAk [ ♥] CAll ME ! - 20
(Little Rock, iiN//0UT ARkANSAS (LiMiTEd TiME!))
°*ஐ*° Treat Yourself This Week! °*ஐ*° Specials! °*ஐ*° Delight °*ஐ*° - 23
(little rock in-out)
🍒▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀🍒 SPECIALS 🍒▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀🍒 ❡iη❡℮R 🍒▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀🍒 SPECIALS 🍒▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀🍒 - 39
(Little Rock, Hog Heaven)
***Come to Yours truely ? Exotic Secret?*** - 24
(Little Rock, In/Out Calls Lr/Nlr Surrounding Areas)