Fri 03 Jan
New petite slim beauty HOLLY ** Slim tiny waisted beauty Jill AT RACHELS - 27
(Little Rock, central ar)
Best in LR /Call, Text & COME SEE.! No Regrets, Excellent Reviews :) - 23
(Little Rock, LR, near u maybe?? :))
#1 CHoiCE EBoNY/Latina With PhAT BooTy ★PuRE FrEAK CrAzY CuRvEs & AmAziNGy SkilLLs New PiCs - 22
(Little Rock, West Little Rock/North Little Rock)
🌷🌷75🌷🌷QV!! I Feel like being NAUGHTY!!** 8328025314** - 22
(Little Rock, conway/little rock all surroundings)
✦ S M O K I N ✦▃▃▃▃ H O T ✦▃▃▃▃▃✦ K I N K Y ✦▃▃▃▃▃✦ JAPANESE ✦▃▃▃▃▃✦ R E A D Y ✦▃▃▃▃▃▃646-925-9959 - 22
(Little Rock, ✦ LITTLE ROCK ✦ NEW ✦ INCALL✦ ASIAN ✦)
»-★-» »-★-» A »-★» DiAmOnD »-★-» In »-ThE RoUgH »-★-» 100hhr SpEcIaLs - 26
(Little Rock, willing to travel & pine bluff in/out)
100% ME _((__ SpEcIaLs__ ))__ ☆ ___((__ LeAvInG SOON__ ))___ ☆__ (( _ sExY rEdHeAd__ )) - 25
(--Little Rock--)
New Dirty Blonde Bad-girl on the scene, lookin for some local Bad-boys!! - 27
(Little Rock(incall/outcall))
LR 🚘 👅NEW pics!💯★★ 🌟SeXy🌟FuN🌟GiRL 💎❥💎✨🎯☆💯 R🎯E🎯A🎯L ╋ R🎯E🎯A🎯D🎯Y 💦☆ - 23
(Little Rock, Little Rock incalls/outcall)
Classy Monica Is By LR Medical Center -- 5*0*1 6*1*2 6*1*6*6------ - 37
(Little Rock, Little Rock, AR)
Thu 02 Jan
{*~*} *~* WILD & WILLING *~* ($80 special) {*~*} in calls only {*~*} - 20
(JFK close to high way/ North littlerock)
🔥HOTTEST BLONDE IN THE CITY! Have Fun With The Real Girl In The Pics☆S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! 💕 - 28
(Little Rock, WLR INCALLOUTCALL 247)
Click HERE for Malaysia the Hottest Sexiest Thickest & Nastiest BI... Alive - 30
(Little Rock, South West Little Rock off I-30 & 65th)
#1 Top Notch provider* Avaliable 24/7* experience heaven* Sexy BarbieDoll with a phat azz! - 21
(All over 24/7 ✈)
100How would you like 2 sexy playful girls at your fingertips? We love to play .40 75 140 NLR - 26
(Little Rock, mccain mall)