Sun 05 Jan
let me be the reason you smile on this rainy day 100 specials - 20
(Little Rock, My place off west markham)
$$$ Let me show you how to have a good time! Call Eden 501-529-5216! $$$0 - 29
(Little Rock, Little Rock, NLR, Maumelle)
I'm Up 👀 Are U?? 💓💓 5 🌟 Blonde Barbie Doll 👱 💯% Real & A True Freakk 👯💦 👅😍😍 Don't Wait 📞 Now !!!!! - 20
(Little Rock, Incalls & out calls !!!)
JAWDROPPING Busty 34DD Platinum Blonde **** STUNNING Thai/Ebony Princess ~~~ Visiting - 20
(North Little Rock)
❤💕❤Gorgeous Eyes, Bangin Body, and Naughty! Deals All Night! Crazy Sexy Appeal💕❤ - 22
(Little Rock, Little Rock by markham area)
Freaky Friday Specials !! I Love What I Do Chocolate BuSTY Big BOOty Cutie ** sNEAK aWAY:) - 24
I`m ready when you are! Service is 5 star! Independent/ Real Pixs/ Sexy Azz & Tits! - 21
(Little Rock, Hot springs, Benton, Bryant, Lr, Conway)
* Elite 5 * Star Beauty * Real Sexy Sweetheart *in LITTLE ROCK * - 21
(Little Rock)
$$$ Come play with me! Eden wants some company! Eden- 501-529-5216! $$$ - 29
(Little Rock, Little Rock, North Little Rock, Maumelle)
█▒▒▒▒█_B € S T _C H Ø I C € _█▒▒▒▒█_B € S T _S € R V I C € _█▒▒▒▒█_B € S T _LOOKING - 22
($100Special ) All night long,treat yourself to a slice of heaven tonight (501)4422881 - 21
(JFK close to high way/ North littlerock)
SEXY & SENSUAL[✔] VERY ADDICTIVE [✔] Top notch Pleaser ❤100% ME - 24
(Hot Springs Little rock surrounding area, Little Rock)
🔥HOTTEST BLONDE IN THE CITY! Have Fun With The Real Girl In The Pics☆S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! 💕 - 28
(Little Rock, WLR INCALLOUTCALL 247)
▆▓ InCaLl&OuTcAlL; SpEcIaLs AlL nItE ★♥ ULtiMaTe SatIsFaCtIoN ƸӜƷ♥★ CuTiE w/ A bOoTy★♥ƸӜƷ♥★ AlL 4 YoU - 24
☆.¸¸.• ★☆First Choice☆.¸¸.• ★Early Bird Specials☆Last Chance☆.¸¸.• ★☆ - 28
(Little Rock, little rock areas)
[★] FIVE StaR TreatMenT [★] PURE SaTiSfAcTiOn [★] Super Sexy Girl!! - 20
(Little Rock, Incalls & out calls)
Outcalls Outcalls Outcall☟▬H ◯T ✨🔥⚡Great Reviews☟⚡🔥✨ NO ONE -:¦:-DOES IT 🍰 LIKE ME 🍰 ⚡1ⓄⓄⓄ% ℛℰᎯℒ - 22
(Little Rock, Southwest)
*BlAckPearl *sExYSassy*ThiCk !!ALL*Real!! SpecIaLs!! Outcalls *N Hot Springs 2night!!! - 26
(Hot Springs / Hot Springs Village, Hot Springs)
®ToD@¥ 0nL¥,... $@TurD@¥ specials (!m@ TREAT U L!k€ @ ©H@RM) - 24
(Little Rock, West Little Rock/Upscale Resident)
Sweet🍒Sexy Ur Candle Stick Will Glow Like Neva B4 With My Talent🍌🍒 - 21
(Little Rock, Nlr private location)
$$$$$$$ Looking for BI BLACK FEMALE who loves to make money party live the good life$$$$$ - 30
(Little Rock, little rock/Los angeles)
LITTLE ROCK❤️ATTENTION Little Rock!!! The Candy Shop 🍭🍬IS NOW OPEN‼️Élite upscale Companion - 26
(Conway, Little Rock)
Last Night.... California's #1 BBW Redhead Porn Star .. Huge 64inch Bubble Booty.. All Races Welcome - 28
(Incall & Outcall, Little Rock)
Looking for an unforgettable time"????!!call me!!♡ muah! ♡==713-909-4425 IN LITTLE ROCK!! - 21
(Hot Springs / Hot Springs Village, little rock)
LEAVING SOON Hott 50Special Or 120 Hr Leaving Soon Special Don't Miss Sum1 So Sweet - 23
(Little Rock, southwest area)
Ready to have fun without rushing? We"ll Im here to please you n every way I can!!!!! - 21
(Little Rock, Little Rock, AR)
$$$$$ ©ome $ee Me Fun$ize ¢hocol@te Fr€ak!! Wh€re Your F@nta$ies and Every De$ire M€et!!! $$$$ - 21
(Little Rock, West Little Rock)
💖Real pix Or frEE💙Long LEGGS 💚BLondE 💕BLue eYeZ 💙BIg 💚38DD boobieS💕💕TopNotch💖 Avail NoW💖 - 26
(Little Rock)
(( █ ▓ PLAYFUL ♥ PETITE ♥ BRUNETTE! █ ▓ ))-AVAIL NOW! - 24
Freaky👅💦 Fabulous✨✨ Friday Night🎉🎊, Treating All The Kings💯😘 - 20
(Little Rock, Little Rock and surrounding areas)
****** Freaky Blue Eyed Brunette!! ****** Don't Miss The Show!! ******* Watch Me 5quirt! - 25
(Little Rock, Lr, Nlr, Anywhere!)
H O T -:¦:- S e X y B a b e! -:¦:- H O T XxX - 20
(All Over Arkansas : ))
♡❤ ELiTE Sugar Baby ❤♡ ________ ▇♥▇♥▇♥▇ DREAM GiRL ▇♥▇♥▇♥▇ _________ ♡❤ ߀YÕND UR WiLD€§T DR€ÂM§ ❤♡ - 23
(Little Rock, North Little Rock)
bunnie** fantastic service gaurantteed to make ur wallet &jaw; drop!!! - 20
(central lr end of 630 and shackleford)
Sat 04 Jan