Mon 27 Jan
💋🎀 STOP!!! L@@k...A EXCEPTIONALLY Sweet Treat 💋🎀 - 23
(Little Rock, L.Rock,Conway,Surrounding Areas)
StUnNiNg BeAuTy ReAdY 2 bL°W YoUr MiNd! R U rEaDy 4 mE - 25
(Little Rock, Incalls & outcall little rock only)
🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒Up & Coming California PornStarr & TATTOS Don't Lie You Will Love My Art🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒 - 19
The Only blonde you will ever need to meet ;) I put Barbie to shame ;) available now !! - 25
(Little Rock, Little Rock Arkansas)
THE ☆♥RiGHT☆CHOiCE █☆ G U A ® A N T € € D ☆█ [100% Me ]°TREAT URSELF° $1O0 // 15O // 25O - 23
(Little Rock, north little rock)
The AbSoLUtE BEST... ~ ALwAYS WaRM, JuICY, & INvITING!!! ~ CR¥§TAL ~ 60 Specials Verified & Reviewed - 26
(Little Rock, INCALL ONLY!!!! LR)
SILLYGIRLS *** ( Headed your way ) *** SILLYGIRLS *** 3/29-4/01 *** SILLYGIRLS *** - 28
(L.R , Hot Springs, Surrounding)
short sweet & rite to the point ****super specials ****your discreet late nite treat - 25
(Little Rock, little rock/surrounding/outcall)
SO SEXY $35 hhR Paris aka ANGELA Torgerson G -- f ---E* 501-655-2137 New Specials!! - 21
⬛💗⬛💗⬛💗⬛💗SHHHHH..©oMe 🅿laY WitH Me, Mandi Ryder is BACK🌀 TighT🌀 🅿eTiTe 🌌🌌S🅿iNNe®💗⬛💗⬛💗⬛💗⬛💗⬛ - - - 25
(Little Rock, out calls everywhere)
********* Sexy Dark Chocolate Hottie With A Bad Azz Body ********** 100% Real and Discreet ********* - 19
(Little Rock)
SatuRDaY MoRnInG SPecIaLs🍒 Incall🍒 Julie🍭 THE 1& OnLY GeNtLeMAnS ChOIcE🍭 - 26
(Little Rock, Little Rock, incall)
{S} u {G} a {R} * {B} a {B} i! *Upscale!* {H} i {G} h {L} y * {R} e {V} i {E} w {E} d! - 23
(Upscale! All OvEr!)
ready to give u passion, ecstacy, and pleasure - 19
(Fayetteville, Fort Smith, In town, Jonesboro, Little Rock)
◆S♦E♦X◆Y♦♦◆S T U N N I N G◆♦♦♦♦◆◆♦♦◆ E♦X♦O◆T♦I♦C ◆♦◆♦♦◆♦♦◆ M◆A♦S♦T◆E♦R ♦P◆I♦E♦C◆E ◆♦♦ NEW PVT INCALL - 30
(Little Rock, Central Arkansas)
~~Sexy Blue Eyed Blonde Beauty~ seeks generous gentelmen ~LeT ME Be Ur H0T LITTLE NaUGhTY GiRL - 23
Playful * Curvy * ExTremely AddICting ReDhead NOw IN Southern Ark !!! - 34
(Little Rock, monticello pine bluff dumas southern ark)
Petite Freak ; Long Legs 💦👅😏 Available Now - 19
(Little Rock, Little rock Mauemelle Benton Surr area)
♡♥♡Seductive Petite BUBBLE BOOTY miXxed Cutie!New Intown«« A call you wont REGRET!! - 20
(Little Rock, Hot Springs incalls only)
(¯`'.¸ ¸.'´¯) _ S K I L L S? Look for N i K i B A B Y!_ (¯`'. ¸.'´¯) - 21
(Little Rock, Little Rock, jacksonville/nlr)
§ ♥ § Playtime is right NOW ♥ Can u handle this? ♥ Ali * Cat's Ready § ♥ § - 28
(Hot Springs, Little Rock, Central Ar)
★★ Private In call♥Chri sty★Thick Curvy·♡¤ ♥ ¤♡No Rush Terrific Tuesday·♡¤ ♥ ¤♡ - 23
(Little Rock, north little rock ar)
Petite and a Freak.....U Can't Go Wrong With Me....Call Caramel Tonight and Let Me Put Dis On You!! - 21
(Little Rock)
♥ Platinum ladies are BacK! ♥ Come see the new ladies!!! ♥ - 28
(Central Arkansas, Lr, Hot Springs, nlr,)
Plump Juicy round A.S.S. & Talents You'll Never 4get ! Let Me Show U How Good ! $40 $70 $120$ - 30
(Little Rock, Southwest Little Rock/ I-30 & 65)
Sexy Blonde with all the talents you need to make your dreams come true! 100 100 100 - 43
(Little Rock)
P.a.w.g* Sexy* Curvy* Super Freak* Come play with Zoe tonight* Get what you deserve* - 28
(Little Rock)
▬▬▬▬★ Real Deal▬▬▬ ★Skilled★▬▬▬▬ ★ONE OF A KiND★ ▬▬▬▬ ★ Upscale ▬▬▬▬ ★REVIEWED - 24
(Little Rock, NLR&Surrounding;)
**** PINE BLUFF CaSeY SeXy LaDy ** UpScALe ReSiDeNtIaL InCaLL ** VeRiFieD!!! - 39
(Little Rock, Pine Bluff InCall OutCall)
✋NEW PICS ✋♥LoNdYn BriDgEz💎AVAILBLE NOW💋i pRoMiSe U WiLL NeVeR FiNd aNoThEr LiKe mE💯💎♥ - 24
(Little Rock)
New New 【🔲HOTT BLONDE Beauty🔲】░░░【🔲Gorgeous + SKILLED🔲✅【🔲 unbeatable SERVICE 🔲 ✅ - 22
(Conway In & Out, Little Rock)
❎▊NEW▊PIC❎▊All the Fun, None of the Drama ~ Luxury Girlfriend ~ ❎▊ SEXY & Blonde👯💋Jade Jewels 💗💳 - 29
(Incall WLR/Outcall 24/7, Little Rock)
Miss Sexy Red ****** Thick Curvy Sexy & Freaky ****** Nobody Can Do It Like I Can!! ****** 24 Hours - 20
(Lr, Nlr, Anywhere!)
Mon 13 Jan
SEXY, Classy, Upscale is not just it I got what You Need not Wont tired of being Bored? - 25
(Little Rock, Incalls/out)
Sun 12 Jan
***Naughty, Sweet, Erotic*** Super Saturday Specials **** 75/hr *** Call Sassy Now - 33
(where you want to be)
™ •Ju!¢¥, thi¢k p!€¢€ 0f N!¢€ @zZ• TOPNOTCH CHICK «@m@z!nG, fantastic, unbelievable SERVICE» - 23
(Little Rock, My place/wlr)
°❀°❀ Local Highly Reviewed°❀ °❀° Southern Sp!nner °❀ °❀° New Menu °❀ °❀° UNFORGETTABLE •♥• °❀ °❀° Sp - 20
(Little Rock)
MoNDaY MoRnInG SPecIaLs🍒 Upscale Incall🍒 Julie🍭 THE 1& OnLY GeNtLeMAnS ChOIcE🍭 - 26
(Little Rock, Little Rock, incall)
LEAVING SOON Hott 50Special Or 120 Hr Leaving Soon Special Don't Miss Sum1 So Sweet - 23
(Little Rock, southwest area)
👑❤️:¦: ————— 💋💋Miami Vixen Natasha 💋💋————— :¦:👑❤️:¦: - 23
(Little Rock, little rock incall. outcalls)
@@@ let alexis make your wildest fantasies come true!!!@@@ - 22
(Arkansas/mississippi/tenneesse, Little Rock)
I'm Bacckk ! Come Get Wit A WinnER!! nO fAkE!pIcS hErE ! tHe ReAl DeAl BiG bOotY sUperFrEAk - 25
(Little Rock, in/out)